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Friday, 30 January 2009

Is Susan Kramer really serious?!

Yesterday, it was revealed in a leaked letter from Norman Baker; the LibDem Transport spokesman, that Susan Kramer's "dramatic" reisignation the day of her public meeting in Richmond, was a complete farce!

Earlier this month, Susan Kramer resigned her post as Transport Spokesman to alledgedly take up the fight against the Heathrow expansion.
In an interview with a local newspaper in Richmond; she said "I am delighted Nick has allowed me to concentrate on this hugely important campaign (heathrow expansion).”

In this letter however, Norman Baker reveals that Susan Kramer MP only resigned her post as Transport Spokesman so she can try to cling on to her constituency; Richmond Park!
Read the whole story at this link:

Susan Kramer has no official role at all regarding aviation or transport. Her Heathrow ‘appointment’ is just a ruse to get re-elected.


  1. ' . . She made her career in finance and became a Vice-President of a leading international bank; later, with her husband, she set up their own firm working on transport projects in Central and Eastern Europe, . . In 2007 Susan was appointed Shadow Secretary of State for Transport. [During 2008] Susan served as Families spokesperson, Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor for the Duchy of Lancaster until Jan 2009. She chose to leave the shadow cabinet to take up a new role leading the party's campaign against the expansion of Heathrow Airport . . '

  2. Now remind: what, if anything has Toryboy done with his life beyond enjoying his inheritance?
